7 months. 16kg down.
Zhang Wen took her first step into fitness when she took the ANTS L1 course last year. This year, she took another step forward and went for the L2 course as well. After that, she decided to invest further into her health & fitness to learn how to train on her own safely.
Prior to starting with LTU, Zhang Wen has never set foot in a gym before. She mustered the courage to step out of her comfort zone for the first time, showing up in the gym for ANTS L2.
Despite being a young fresh grad, Zhang Wen has noticed her uncontrolled weight gain & decline in overall health. Realising how unfit she had become, Zhang Wen decided to engage professional help at LTU.
In a short span of a few months, Zhang Wen has completed transformed herself and her perspective of health & fitness, and is equipped with the skills & confidence to train on her own.
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