He swapped out everything. It paid off.

Vai, the co-founder of WindowSwap, came to LTU looking to 'get in shape'. He saw and received so much more.

12 weeks. 14kg down.
Goals: Be Functional, Lose Belly Fat

Vaishnav, the co-founder of WindowSwap that went viral on BBC amidst the pandemic, came to us simply looking to ‘get in shape’, but he got so much more. ⁣

Vai has had on-and-off sciatica in his left hip for many years likely from very weak glutes. As seen from the first video below, he had problems simply balancing himself for a split squat with just 10kg. In 12 weeks, he had dropped a whopping 14kg of excess body fat and was able to handle 20kg dumbbells well.

Before: 10kg Split Squat (very unstable)
After: 20kg Split Squat

As we know, Indian cuisine may be delicious but it is not exactly the most ‘diet-friendly’. Vai had to practically overhaul everything he had been eating prior to starting proper training. After 3 months of commitment & hard work, Vai’s efforts certainly did pay off. ⁣

Vai could barely do a single pull up at the start. He trusted the process and 3 months later, he was able to do 12 pull ups in a single set. An outstanding achievement in itself. At the young age of 40, he is now fitter than he had ever been. ⁣

Being fit and strong is a requirement for you to live your life to its fullest. Your body is your greatest investment.
