She used to crash diet, now she’s at her fittest. What changed?

Renee struggled with binge eating and yo-yo dieting for 15 years. Now at the young age of 40, she's at her fittest. Here's what changed.

20 weeks: 12kg down
Goals: Fat Loss, Get Stronger, Overcome ED

Renee is someone who has been struggling with binge eating disorder and yo-yo dieting for 15 years. All that worsened during the lockdown back in 2020. She finally decided to seek professional help in getting someone to help her get started in Fitness properly to break this cycle for good.

Renee is not new to losing weight. In fact, when she used to lose a lot of weight by crash dieting on her own without guidance and without lifting weights. However, she noticed that she became weaker and flabbier than before dieting, leading her deeper into a vicious cycle of lowered metabolism and poorer health.

Working long hours almost every day from 9am to 9pm, Renee still found it in her to get her steps done and hit her protein targets.

Renee started with very little strength, barely able to squat her own body without any weights. Now Renee can actually lift MORE than her own body weight.

Before: Split Squat 3kg
After: Split Squat 13kg
Deadlift 54kg

At the young age of 40, Renee is now the fittest and strongest she has ever been in her life. Turning 40 has reminded her of how important it is to be fit and healthy. Age is just a number if you’re willing to put in the work with the right guidance.
