12 weeks. Twice a week.
Aaron’s goal – to lean bulk. 59kg to 65kg.
For the ‘Hard Gainers’ out there.
You don’t want ‘weight gain’; you want ‘muscle gain’. Weight is just a number on the scale. Don’t gain weight for the sake of gaining weight.
Throughout his entire life, Aaron has never been fat and has always had trouble gaining weight. People often confuse gaining weight and gaining actual muscle; most people try to gain ‘weight’ for the sake of gaining weight, leading to unhealthy overeating & putting on unnecessary fat (which often leads to needing to lose that extra fat later on).
In 12 short weeks, Aaron gained a fair bit of muscle along with a little bit of body fat, which is typically to be expected in a ‘bulk’.

Trying to put on a lot of muscle without putting on ANY fat at all is impractical and unrealistic for most people unless you’re a fresh Beginner.
Muscle is difficult to pack on. It doesn’t matter how much protein you eat if you don’t train well & hard.
Ready to learn how you can do so? Fill up the form below.